
New Mexico has a small but growing community of bloggers. Here, in no particular order, are some of my personal favorites:
Mario Burgos: His is a usually-reasonable right-of-center perspective from an active Republican.
New Mexico Politics with Joe Monahan: Another right-of-center perspective from an even more active Republican.
Duke City Fix: A mostly-apolitical mélange from a very diverse group. Their newest writer is a senior at my alma mater!
Albloggerque: A left-of-center chronicle of life around Nob Hill from a socially-conscious educator named Jon Knudsen.
Gregpayne.com: A right-of-center blog from a New Mexico State Representative and ubiquitous commentator.
Democracy for New Mexico: At face-value it would appear that we at the Foundation have very little in common with this decidedly lefty-group. That said, I’ve always believed that libertarians and progressives have a lot more in common than most people think. Both groups are skeptical of “big power,” “special interests” and invasions of civil liberty. Furthermore, both share a deep concern for the plight of the poor and the powerless. Now, if we could only get the progressives to appreciate that the best way to lift the poor out of poverty is to permit free individuals to interact in a free market.
And finally, we have the latest entrant:
NewMexicoMatters: A blog from a self-proclaimed “non-blogger,” this center-left New Mexico patriot’s commentary looks promising. Welcome!